Wow!! This was awesome!!! I m in 11th now preparing for NID and UCEED 2022-2023. The that I can most relate to is the change in perspective. The way I look at things has completely changed from the past one year. Everything appears like a story, even the simplest thing looks aesthetic. Small moments, things and random people feel very important. Indeed just started preparing for this and it has done wonders to the way I think. I m not the same person anymore. I am a bit worried about the very less no of seats for any college, but reading this has made be comfortable. it felt nice and better after reading this.... <3333

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dear future self,

to you, who's learning to listen to "the sea that sings inside you". you have grown a lot. could you even imagine reaching at such a stage in life before? even if things don't go as planned, you know you're following your dreams. you're more curious and involved with life now, and you know that failure in any sort of exam cannot stop you from achieving your dreams. keep growing, more and more, and at your own pace, just like plants. you know that plants grow based on the size of their pots right? so don't go after fitting into a pot and just plant yourself on the ground and keep growing till the last of your breath. "where there is hope, there are trials", and you will overcome all your trials. all your dreams, small or big, everything will "end in full bloom".

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This is beautiful!

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thank you!

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This hit right to the core

Design exams are so close now

And i often end up procrastinating under stress

This.. This is beautiful 🙌🙌

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Dear future self,

You are worth it. You did your best. You always used to think are you making the right decision, are you made for it, did I pushed my limits enough. Yes you did. I would not say that have you got into a design college or not as of now, a little suspense makes life interesting right. Future is not in our hands. Present is. Always keep skilling yourself till the last breath. Keep learning till your last breath. Listen to people, learn from their experiences. Cherish yourself, love yourself. Sometimes going against your parents is not a bad thing reminder think before and after. The connections that you made with some people unexpectedly try to balance that cause they are some good pills in your life. Learn to say NO to people. Learn to say I DO NOT KNOW. Try to work on your overthinking. Learn to handle PRESSURE. Learn to handle situations calmly. Lastly keep your Dreams, Ambition, Head high always. Stay kind, humble and Down to Earth.

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Hey there , how's it like to be standing in there !? Yeah I have craved for it. Enjoy it , we deserve it. Do you remember the days when we used to dream about that bike ? Someday creating that bike ? I think the days are in the reach of our hands. Let's make that small kid's wish come true! Cheers and Congratulations 🎉! You made it! She's proud of you !

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