Design & Exam
I am Arunav from Kaphal Studio
I believe design is not a subject to be taught, it is common sense. Design exam demands a commonsensical approach to questions and riddles. Unfortunately, the process has become the exam-centric-scripted-thinking method of memorizing and vomiting in the exam hall. And, the truth is, this brings no success!
This newsletter is an attempt to help every aspirant prepare for design exams with whatever they have and wherever they are.
Exam Thinking is Scripted Thinking
Studying for an exam does not teach us how to think. It teaches us to follow a script — a ‘thinking’ script.
When we study for an exam, we train our minds to trigger one thought to follow another. We have been following this pattern throughout our life.
This scripted thinking pattern stunts creativity. On the other hand, a design exam is a test of creativity. So, how do you cultivate a creative mindset while studying for an exam?
1. Take Exam Out of Design
Forget about the results, forget that you have left your job, dropped one year for the design exam. I know it is easier said than done.
But, think about it this way; whatever decision you have made for the design exam it has already been taken. Now, everything depends on the performance. And, too much expectation can mount to unwanted pressure.
Right now, this may sound like a philosophical thought to discuss, but with proper training and mindset, we can work on it. Once the exam is taken out of design. It ceases to be a subject to be taught. Design becomes a celebration. And, this is when creativity blooms.
2. Develop Creative Thinking
Whether creativity can be taught or not is a debatable topic. But, we can work and train ourselves to question and cross-question our decision and mindset.
The fact is we do not learn to be creative, we become creative. Think of it this way; a fighter jet pilot does not become a pilot by just reading the manual. He/She has to maneuver the plane in the air to learn the skills and tricks to handle the giant machine.
The principle is applicable for creative thinking. Please note that here I am not talking about learning something. Please remember that becoming creative is an unlearning rather than a learning process.
In the series of articles and podcasts in this newsletter, we unravel every aspect of the design exam. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to get the updates directly in your inbox.
Do check our ‘Design Prep Repository’ to get access to all the materials and links related to the design exams.
Keep Preparing! Keep Enjoying!